报告题目: Circulant almost orthogonal arrays and related problems in statistics and combinatorics
报告人: 卢晓南 助理教授
报告地点:腾讯会议ID: 104 675 838
报告摘要: Circulant almost orthogonal arrays (CAOAs) are a class of circulant arrays introduced by Y.-L. Lin, et al. (2017) as designs for fMRI experiments. In this talk, I will focus on two-level CAOAs with strength 2 and bandwidth 1. I will first talk about the background, statistical models conce-rning CAOAs and their statistical optimality. Moreover, I will introduce the relationship between a special type of CAOAs and combinatorial designs, as well as binary sequences. If time permits, I will briefly address some algebraic and/or computational approaches on finding such CAOAs. This talk is partially based on joint work with Miwako Mishima, Nobuko Miyamoto, and Masakazu Jimbo.
报告人简介: 卢晓南,山梨大学助理教授,在西安交通大学获得数学系本科学位,2012-2017年在名古屋大学计算机数理科学系进行硕士和博士学习并取得博士学位;2017-2019年在东京理科大学任助理教授;2020年后在山梨大学计算机理工学系任助理教授。主要从事组合学以及统计学、信息论等相关跨学科问题研究。在J.Combinatorial Theory (A),Des. Codes Cryprogr., Discrete Math. 等期刊上发表论文10余篇。