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时间:2021-11-09 17:47:10 来源: 作者: 阅读:

报告题目Dynamics of a periodic tick-borne disease model with co-feeding and multiple patches

报告人楼一均 副教授


报告地点:腾讯会议,ID: 201 605 751

报告摘要This talk presents a mechanistic model for describing the spatial dynamics of tick-borne diseases by considering systemic transmission, seasonal climate impacts, host movement as well as the co-feeding transmission route. The net reproduction number for tick growth and basic reproduction number for disease transmission are derived, which predict the global dynamics of tick population growth and disease transmission. Further numerical simulations will also be presented in the talk to not only verify the analytical results, but also characterize the contribution of co-feeding transmission route on disease prevalence in a habitat and the effect of host movement on the spatial spreading of the pathogen. This is based on joint work with Xue Zhang (Northeastern University, China) and Bei Sun (now a PhD student at Hong Kong Polytechnic University).

报告人简介: 楼一均, 2010年毕业于加拿大纽芬兰纪念大学获博士学位。20107月至20128月在加拿大约克大学做博士后研究。2012820186月获聘为香港理工大学数学系助理教授。20187月至今任香港理工大学副教授。现任Infectious Disease Modelling杂志Associated Editor以及Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering (MBE) 编委。主要研究方向为应用动力系统及其在复杂生物系统的应用。论文发表在Journal of Nonlinear ScienceSIAM Journal of Applied MathematicsIEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Journal of Differential EquationsProceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh-AJournal of Mathematical BiologyScientific ReportsChaosBulletin of Mathematical BiologyJournal of Theoretical BiologyEcological Complexity 等主流应用数学以及理论生态学杂志。近年来对具有季节驱动或年龄结构的复杂系统以及复杂网络上的疾病传播动力学感兴趣。曾获加拿大MITACS博士后基金。近期研究受国家自然科学基金和香港特别行政区大学教育资助委员会资助。

